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“If you want to reach a goal you must ‘see the reaching’ before you actually arrive at your goal.” - Zig Ziglar

In order to achieve something amazing this month, you need to get clear about what it is you want to achieve. Instead of focusing on trying to achieve lots of things, pick one big goal to focus on and make it your priority. When you get laser-focused on achieving one thing, you’ll make so much more progress.


  1. List YOUR goals. What is one, big goal would you like to reach by the end of March? Get really clear and don’t hold yourself back.

  2. WHY do you want to achieve it? What is the main reason and how will it make you feel? Take a few moments to really connect with this feeling.


  1. Now you know what you want to achieve, let’s plan out how you’re going to make it happen. What steps do you need to take in order to make it happen? Break your goal down into small, doable steps.
Step to Take Complete By
  1. Optional: Who could help you to achieve your goal? Write down their names & reach out to them.
Person Who Can Help Contact Details
  1. What do you need to do every day in order to make progress?

EXERCISE: Throughout the month, I want you to spend at least 10 minutes a day (5 minutes in the morning, 5 minutes in the evening) visualizing achieving your goal.